Jules Logarta

I was one of the few who started cycling during the pandemic. I work in the restaurant industry so we were greatly affected by the lockdown and all the employees were furloughed until further notice.

I used to run and join marathons but I wanted to do something else. So i had to search for a road bike (it was sold out everywhere) cause everyone wanted to go out and ride.

Luckily enough, a local bike shop reached out to me when they got one in my size. I just started riding solo on the beach path, no prior knowledge of how road bikes/cycling worked. I initially did it for my mental health and that riding got me through some of the toughest times in my life.

That's also how I met my partner. He races professionally so he was my source for cycling 101 including a bike fit..



Through the last 3 years, I've raced crits, joined regular group rides and built a community here in LA.

With what I've seen /experience, I would like to inspire more women to get on a bike. Yes, it is intimidating and an expensive sport to be in, but the right education and tools certainly help.


Cycling as contemporary art

I believe in both of their visions. "Living life through bike" - it promotes social, emotional and mental health and it is also a proponent of sustainability. what jcobcycling (your) company is doing- creating products like short cranks is the future of cycling.

- Jules -

The challenges ahead, and mostly interest discussion topics of mine are:

  • With girls like me, we should be able to have easy access to products that are tailored to our body size/height.
  • I was fortunate enough to have a partner who had connections to the industry. but for others that don't, they might never know that these products exist for them.

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- Jules -

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