I deal in the racing world and performance oriented riders.
Many studies I have read have delt primarily with lab riders on improperly fitted lab bikes, these are of little meaningful value to a serious athlete.
I have put on several Men/Women specific clinics at different U.S. based Ironman events. I've done these to help spread good information to riders of all levels.
From 1996 - 2002, I worked extensively with several European pro teams doing aerodynamics, positioning and working individually with several World class racers on Time Trial specific efforts.
I went to Kona from 1989 - 2016 to help the athletes, Pro's to Armatures, to go faster and get more comfort.
I have consulted with USA Olympics about riders and sponsored the 2018 Women's Track team where they won Silver Medals.
I carefully select and train the next generation fitters and athletes and would like to help those who want to join the grand journey to victory.