Jocelyn McCauley

Credit Source: P.T.O.

I was a runner my whole life.

I ran in high school, College, and post collegiately for a couple years. I kept getting injured. I went and supported my sister at a few triathlons and fell in love with the atmosphere and people.

I decided I had to do one and be part of the amazing sport. I did my first one with my sister and fell in love immediately.


The rest is history.



During one of my first bike fits, the fitter put a Type 5 saddle on my bike. I was instantly in love with it! Since that fit, about 8 years ago, Cobb Type 5 is the saddle I have ridden in all my training and racing.
Chafing or saddle sore are things I've never had to worry about. Cobb saddles also allow me to roll my hips more forward to get into a better and more powerful position on my TT bike. I'm so grateful that I was able to find Cobb Saddles early on in my career!


Cycling as contemporary art

Comfort and speed go hand in hand. If you have pain while riding, you can't go as fast. Your body and brain just won't let you.

- Jocelyn -

The challenges ahead, and mostly interest discussion topics of mine are:

  • Getting aerodynamic and less injuries.
  • Women comfort

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